DJB Instruments - Konic Shear™ accelerometers

Konic Shear™   .  .  .   why not all accelerometers are the same!

What is cross-axis signal and why do I need to know/worry about it?

Measurement direction and cross axis:

Cross Axis is the effect of a vibration input to an accelerometer signal from a direction perpendicular to the measurement axis, i.e.

How critical is accelerometer cross axis signal contribution?

The simple answer is very!

The next question is how many engineers and accelerometer users know what it is?

        .   .   .   we will let you answer that yourself!

For those that want to consider it, here are a few questions to ask:

What does this mean for the user?

Every 1% of cross axis is a 1% error in your data, so a 5% maximum error for a new accelerometer is a maximum 5% error in your data.

How do accelerometer manufacturers control cross axis signal contribution?

By pre-polarising the piezoelectric sensing material to operate in the primary measurement axis, however this is not 100% perfect.

What happens to pre-polarisation?

It degrades due to age, temperature and use, so inevitably cross axis signal control will deteriorate and errors will increase due to increasing cross axis contribution.

What can I do to minimise errors?

Always have the cross axis checked during the annual calibration, otherwise errors can accumulate to exceed 35% of your signal!

How do DJB control Cross Axis signal contribution?

The Konic Shear™ design which is unique to DJB, has natural cross axis compensation (i.e. signal cancellation) due to the nature of its design (conical sensing material), coupled with pre-polarisation, it gives long term cross axis stability, unrivalled by any other accelerometer on the market today.

Contact us for more info or to discuss how you can better control accelerometer cross-axis signal contribution in your application.

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