DJB Instruments - Accessories

Accessories - cables, connectors, mounting gear

Cable Assembly 

Specialist Cable & Assembly for Challenging Applications - Anything IS Possible! 

DJB provides a bespoke cable assembly service offering a vast range of cables from just 0.8mm diameter, including low noise and armoured solutions whilst offering a wide range of connectors made both in house and off the shelf. 

This together with excellent relationships with cable manufacturers means we can be very supportive of special requests. Click for more detail.

Free Cable Inspection

DJB offers a service where you can send up to 20 cables for us to inspect free of charge*.  We will supply a report detailing the health of your cables for you to assess your options

Cable Repair Service

Save money and be ‘GREEN’ to boot by utilising your existing cables. We can make good of most manufacturers and with the free cable inspection prior to commencing you will be kept up to speed right throughout the process. Click for more detail.

How confident are you that your current cables are aiding your work without ultimately affecting the data? Why not take advantage of the free cable inspections service so you can be sure of peak performance.

Also available:

Accelerometer Trade in scheme

Accelerometer Trade in scheme Discounts available when you trade any accelerometer against a new DJB model. A great way to reinstate older, tired accelerometers with new ones in tip top condition.

*  shipping charges will apply


        we aim to have all information accurate and current, please be aware that 'correct' specifications/details are as per DJB website 

            (click on the product to view detailed specifications/information)

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