SatCOM QoS monitoring, TT&C and tracking antennas

ETMC Technologies can assist you with SatCOM QoS, TT&C and tracking antenna needs.  This includes:

        •  software defined radio

        •  carrier signal inspection

        • carrier signal monitoring

        • carrier signal analysis  (including carrier over/under carrier capability)

        • compact geo-lpcation of interference sources

        • satellite empherisis services

        • tracking antennas (from portable to deep space units)

        • high efficiency antenna feeds (new and retro-fit)

        • adaptive equalisation to improve multi-path affected signals

        • TT&C (telemetry tracking and control) instrumentation

        • high data-rate recording of raw and IF signals for later replay & analysis

        and a whole lot more!

Speak with us to discover how ETMC Technologies is able to assist you with you StaCOM QoS (quality of service), signal monitoring and tracking antennas for telemetry, SatCOM or deep space applications.

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